And help Plymouth be AWESOME



We are always adding to the Library of Things, and get suggestions from our members all the time. 

We want to fill the library with items that people have asked for and what better way than doing so with items that are already in circulation and not being utlised!? Check out our Wishlist to see whats been suggested so far, and if you have any of the items listed lying around in the back of a cupboard and gathering dust, consider donating them to the library! We’ll be forever grateful – and so will our Borrowers! If there is anything that you would like added to the wishlist, use our Suggestion Box!



If you want to support our projects with funds to help people access the things they need and reduce digital exclusion in the City (you legend), you can use our good-old Paypal donation form! 

We are a registered CIC, our social aim is our top priority, every penny brings us closer to achieving our goal and helps grow our impact. Our Company name is Borrow Don’t Buy CIC and our Company Number: 11897730. Thank you!



If you are anything like us, having regular clear outs of unused items is something we know we should do, but rarely get around to it! If you are one of those superhumans that does, then read on…

If you don’t have any suitable items for the Library to donate but still want to get involved, we now accept certain items to sell in our eBay shop, which in turn funds our projects and help us stock more items to borrow! Give us an email at to find out if the item is suitable! Thank you!



Sometimes, we acquire items that are not useful for good for our projects, but would be useful for someone else.

We use eBay to sell, which helps fund items for the library, and parts for refurbishing devices for the GEO project. Selling locally saves postage and packaging costs for us and buyers, and is more environmentally friendly. Check out the items available to buy in our eBay shop!

*yes we know, we don’t usually promote buying, but this is for a good cause and gets things back into use!



Our all time favourite thing that gets the Elves super excited is when you share your borrowing stories.

We love getting tagged in, or sent, pictures and videos of the weird and wonderful ways in which our items have helped you do the things you need! Make sure to tell us about your projects or adventures and tag us @borrowdontbuy. Follow us on our socials below to see what others have been getting up to, inspire, and get inspired – Instagram | Facebook | TikTok



As we all know, customer experience is what really sells a service these days and that’s how it should be!

The more people we can get borrowing the more more money is saved,  the less carbon is produced and the better we can be for our Borrowers! Everyone wins!

If you have borrowed with us before we would really appreciate if you could leave us a Google review so that other people can discover the beauty of borrowing and get access to the things they need too!




Did you know, you can help us raise funds just by recycling your old inkjet cartridges!?

Either send them in yourself and choose us as your beneficiary, or drop them to us when you are next passing during our opening hours and we will send them in in bulk in exchange for donations! (Inkjet cartridges only, no laser or toner cartridges please) Click below to find out more!Help Us Raise Money By Recycling Your Ink Cartridges With Recycle4Charity»

Raise us Funds whilst shopping


You can help raise us funds when you shop online at certain retailers at no extra cost to you!

Add the easyfundraising extension on your browser and choose BDB as your cause so when you shop with eligible retailers they will donate to us! This costs you nothing and means your money helps make big companies give back to your community! Click below to read about how it works!


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Borrow Don't Buy